Tuesday 3 January 2017


Senator Shehu Sani representing Kaduna central senatorial constituency has attacked people like his colleague Senator Ben Bruce of Baysela for giving undeserved awards to politicians.

In a brief statement on his social media account, Shehu Sani attacked those ‘in the business’ of giving awards to politicians and warned them to do something different.

He said: “It will be noble for those in the business of giving out "Man of the year" award to avoid elected and appointed public office holders and consider giving it to the ordinary man or the suffering poor bearing the brunt of economic reforms or the multitude of the displaced in the North East.”

Although Sani did not categorically mention any name, his words come just two days after Senator Ben Murray-Bruce of Bayelsa central senatorial district posted a report on his social media accounts announcing the emergence of Amabra governor Peter Obiano as his company Silverbird group’s man of the year for 2016.

Both Sani and Ben Bruce are on the Senate Committee investigating the Humanitarian challenges facing Northeast. While Sani is the chairman, Bruce is a member. The duo were among the committee’s recent entourage to some IDP camps in the devastated northeast.

It is not clear if the barb fired by Sani was aimed at Bruce or if the two have had a fallen out with each other.

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