Sunday 5 February 2017


First off i will have to say 2face is a coward,(No apologies).

Secondly, Blackface is right after all

Thirdly, He has failed this Nation as a whole.

WHen the news came that tuface wants to stage a protest against the federal governemnt, i said to myself, This dude is not that smart to think of a protest and he is also not that stupid to protest against the corrupt men that funded his wedding and gave him money.

It is true that when people cant fight an idea, they tend to fight the person bringing the idea so they can discourage him from actualizing that idea. But in this case, the Idea was good but the person that brought up the idea later killed the idea and made everyone that supported the idea look stupid.

Did he not think it through before he opened his mouth to say he wants to protest or does he think this is the wack music industry where you pull useless publicity stunt to promote and publicize the noisy and meaningless music they make in Nigeria?

Its now Obvious that he did this for his own personal interest, probably if it goes right, he will contest for a political position or the obvious fact that we are failing to notice is that he must have been paid to do this in the first place and because of fear, he returned the money that was given to him so he can start the protest and he has collected a very huge amount of money from the opposition so he would cancel the protest.

Anyone that knows TuFace should tell him that he has failed the country. Nigerian celebrity turned the fuel subsidy protest into a carnival, a place of fun, a joke which is a big shame on all of them and their wack noisy music and stupid trashy movies, now Tuface has made a serious matter look like a joke, Adams Oshiomole has made the Nigerian government see strike as an empty threat and a joke, and now Tuface has made the Nigerian corrupt government see any protest as a joke, he has killed all hope of protests, telling us nonsense that its not worth any Nigerian`s life, OGA TELL US THE TRUTH, HOW MUCH IS YOUR SOUL WORTH? HOW MUCH DID THEY PAY YOU TO FOOL AND PLAY WITH NIGERIANS?  

Its unfortunate that it has to be this way, first they move the protest date, are they that stupid? it was scheduled for a Sunday which is a stupid idea, then moved to a monday which is a more stupid idea, WONT PEOPLE GO TO WORK OR DO YOU WANT THEM TO LOOSE THEIR JOBS? ON A MONDAY, REALLY? SHOULD WE WAIT FOR THE PRESIDENT TO COME BACK BEFORE WE PROTEST? Thats why i always have problem with anything been done or organised by a black person, they dont do a thorough plan, did he not think of all this things before he raised the hopes of Nigeria?  MAYBE THEY NEED TO EDUCATE THE ILLITERATE AFTER ALL.....

He has successfully helped the politicians to fool Nigerians and make Nigerians look stupid again...

seriously WHATS ALL DIZ nonsense?

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